@TheRallyMullet Story

I would like to take a moment of ur time to let everybody know when and why this twitter account was made.

WHEN: June 15, 2013 while watching the #Nationals play vs The Cleveland Indians. Anthony Rendon no. 6 of the Washington Nationals hit his FIRST career homerun http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AvIZEBieaxo

At that moment I knew Anthony Rendon was money and had to dedicate my twitter time to the power behind his hitting prowess.

WHY: as a fan of the Nationals since they announced a team was being built in DC. I was compelled to dedicate my fandom to the Nats organization. As a avid fan of baseball in general, and a SuperFan of the #Nats. twitter and the other various social media platforms has allowed me to develop my support of the team. I hope all fellow Nats fans and followers and non followers appreciate my personal way of supporting #OurNats. Thanks!
Follow #TheRallyMullet @TheRallyMullet

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